SDK comes from humble beginnings, growing up in a middle class family he struggled to make ends meet. Managing personal finance in our part of the world was a skill that few possessed especially because of meager means. He worked hard to find money for education and everyday living expenses.
Not bowing down to hardships and taking inspiration from this lack of skill plagiuging the society. SDK took it upon himself to make matters of money management simpler for everyone and provide them genuine advice and guidance on matters of investment.
This organization was founded by SDK in 2001 single handedly. Now with his ingenuity and labor has grown to employ more than 20 staff.
We take a holistic view of your financial investments to provide you with necessary guidance. This provides vital financial know-how to professionals who are normally busy with their respective work.
We work to make sure SDK investments is a platform that provides all the resources and guidance to manage the most important aspect of everyone’s life, Money.